Max Schrems News

EU Privacy Agency Does Not Expect New EU-US Data Privacy Accord Any Time Soon

Companies hoping the EU and the new U.S. administration will soon strike a new transatlantic data transfer pact to replace one struck down by a court will probably have to wait months for any result, the head of the EU …

Major U.S. Tech Firms Look to Be Ignoring Europe’s Data Privacy Rules

Technology firms’ compliance with European restrictions on transatlantic data transfers is shockingly poor, Austrian privacy campaigner Max Schrems said on Monday, publishing a survey of companies including Facebook and Netflix. The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled …

Firms Need Immediate Rethink on U.S. Data Transfers, Says EU Privacy Watchdog

Companies seeking to transfer data to the United States must revert to new arrangements with immediate effect after the Privacy Shield transatlantic pact was declared invalid last week, a European Union watchdog said on Friday. The privacy watchdog said the …

European Union Court Invalidates Special Data Privacy Shield Granted U.S. Firms

LUXEMBOURG – Europe’s highest court ruled on Thursday that a transatlantic data transfer deal is invalid because of concerns about U.S. surveillance in a decision that could disrupt thousands of companies that rely on the agreement. The ruling, which cannot …

EU Top Court to Hear Privacy Issues of Tech Firms’ Personal Data Transfers

Austrian privacy activist Max Schrems’ seven-year battle against Facebook reaches a crucial point on Dec. 17 when an adviser to Europe’s top court will issue his view on whether tools used by companies to transfer data abroad are legal or …

GDPR Day 1: Privacy Activist Files Complaints Against Tech Giants Over ‘Forced Consent’

As Europe’s new privacy law took effect on Friday, one activist wasted no time in asserting the additional rights it gives people over the data that companies want to collect about them. Austrian Max Schrems filed complaints against Google , …