medical diagnostics News

Doctors, Insurer Propose Tracking Patients’ ‘Social Conditions’ for Referrals

If you get struck by lightning or bitten by a pig, a physician can record that information with a code shorter than your phone number. But if you can’t afford your bills, doctors and health plans have no consistent way …

Court Ruling Against ‘Law of Nature’ Patent Riles Biotech

A way to diagnose a severe neurological disorder can’t be patented as it covers a law of nature, a U.S. appeals court ruled Wednesday in a closely watched case that sought to clarify the patenting for medical diagnostic tests and …

U.S. to Step Up Oversight of Genetic Testing

Commonly used tests to predict disease or match a cancer patient with the drug most likely to work will be more strictly regulated under a U.S. Food and Drug Administration proposal. The plan released yesterday means the agency will review …