medical errors News

How Medical Community Can Overcome Error of Its Ways in Opioids and Vaping: Opinion

When the medical community makes mistakes, it’s like shooting down a few hundred airplanes every year. That’s a dramatic metaphor that has stuck in my mind since I first heard it from a doctor, and an apt way to describe …

Misdiagnosis a Leading Cause of Medical Malpractice Claims, Studies Show

Two recent research papers both point to the significance of diagnostic errors as a source of medical malpractice claims. A peer-reviewed paper published in Diagnosis on July 11 found that inaccurate or delayed diagnoses were cited in 34% of medical …

Medical Errors in Massachusetts Cost Hundreds of Millions

A new survey has found that nearly 62,000 medical errors in Massachusetts in one year cost about $617 million for follow-up care. The Boston Globe reports that the survey released Monday by the Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety is …

Stanford Study Links Medical Errors to Physician Burnout

The epidemic of physician burnout may be the source of even more medical errors than unsafe medical workplace conditions, a new study led by Stanford researchers has found. Physician burnout is at least equally responsible for medical errors as unsafe …

How to Make Implants, Pacemakers and Other Medical Devices Safer

U.S. health officials on Tuesday proposed steps to improve the government’s system for overseeing medical devices, which has been criticized for years for failing to catch problems with risky implants and medical instruments. The plan from the Food and Drug …

Making It Possible for Hospitals to Be Honest About Medical Errors

Medical errors in U.S. hospitals kill tens of thousands of patients each year, and even more suffer injury because of mistakes by doctors or nurses. Not every case of harm is avoidable—patients may get an infection even if doctors do …

Insurer’s Hospital Claims Study Corroborates High Death Risk from Medical Errors

Death claims are the most common hospital liability claims, according to an insurance company study released after researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine reported that medical errors are the third leading cause of deaths in the United States. …

Medical Errors Now Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.: Study

Medical errors in the U.S. account for more than 250,000 deaths per year, which makes them the third leading cause of death in the country, according to researcher at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Johns Hopkins patient safety …

Federal Report Shows New Hampshire Hospitals Reduced Errors

New Hampshire hospitals are making progress in reducing both errors and unnecessary readmissions, according to new federal data. The federal Department of Health and Human Services released a report this month estimating that the 3,700 hospitals across the country participating …

Hospital Medical Errors Down 17%, Reports HHS

A federal review of hospital medical records and other data has found a 17 percent decline in infections, drug mistakes, bed sores and other preventable errors from 2010 to 2013, according to a report. Using methods developed by health care …