medical loss ratio News

Health Insurers in Arkansas Owed More than $7.1M in Rebates for 2014

Arkansas consumers and businesses are owed more than $7.1 million from health insurers because those companies collected too much in premiums last year than what they spent on medical care, according to federal officials. The rebates were triggered by the …

20K Maine Residents to Get Health Insurance Premium Rebates

Nearly 20,000 Maine customers of health insurer Aetna are getting premium rebates because a provision in the Affordable Care Act limits what insurance companies can spend on administrative costs. The rebates for 2013 service, totaling more than $1.8 million, will …

Insurance Agents and the 2012 Election: Interview with Big I CEO Rusbuldt

When it comes to the 2012 presidential election, insurance agents have, as industry insiders like to say, “skin in the game.” In addition to being concerned with how the overall economy will perform under either a re-elected President Barack Obama …

Agents Cite Advance in Fight Against Medical Loss Ratio

A House subcommittee has advanced a bill that would exclude agency commissions from the formula that limits how much health insurers can spend on administrative and other non-medical costs. The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee …

Health Insurance Rebates in Ohio to Total $11.3 Million

More than 81,000 Ohio families will be getting health insurance rebates this summer that will total $11.3 million across the state, a newspaper reported. The average refund will be $139, but some of the 81,500 families will receive hundreds of …

Health Insurers to Pay $62M in Rebates in Illinois

The Obama administration has announced that 300,000 Illinoisans will benefit from nearly $62 million in rebates from insurance companies because of the federal health law that critics have labeled “Obamacare.” The law requires insurance companies to spend at least 80 …

Health Insurers to Rebate $1.1 Billion

U.S. health insurance companies are due to pay out $1.1 billion in rebates to employers and individuals this summer, under a new industry regulation imposed by President Barack Obama’s health care law, the administration said on Thursday. But whether the …

Consumer Rebates Under Medical Loss Ratio Estimated to Be $1.3 Billion

More than 3 million health insurance policyholders and thousands of employers will share $1.3 billion in rebates this year, thanks to President Barack Obama’s health care law, according to a nonpartisan research group. The rebates should average $127 for the …

Arkansas Clarifies Definition of Small Employer for Healthcare Issues

Arkansas has clarified that it will retain the current statutory definition of a small employer as being one that retains 2 to 50 employees for purposes of small group health insurance issues. The Arkansas Insurance Department made the distinction, however, …

North Carolina Insurers Still Hoping for Medical Loss Ratio Waiver

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is going overtime as it decides whether to stick with federal standards that could mean $12 million in rebates for more than 58,000 North Carolina residents who buy their own health insurance. …