medical malpractice News

Court: Wyoming Hospital To Pay Woman $2M

A federal appeals court has ordered Campbell County Memorial Hospital in Wyoming to pay a Nevada woman $2 million for damages she suffered when a doctor there failed to diagnose that her husband had broken his neck in a vehicle …

60 Patients of Indiana Nose Doc to Be Compensated

The final 60 patients who have pending medical malpractice claims against a former northwestern Indiana nose surgeon who disappeared while vacationing in Greece and was captured five years later on an Italian mountainside will receive compensation through a settlement. The …

Maine Cancer Patient Gets $200K for Misdiagnosis

A Maine man who was told he had only months to live because of an aggressive Stage 4 pancreatic cancer is still alive more than four years later. And a jury has awarded him $200,000 for the doctor’s misdiagnosis. It …

Proposed California Measure Requires Doctor Drug Tests

A proposed state ballot measure in California would require doctors to be randomly subjected to drug and alcohol testing. The San Francisco Chronicle reported the “Pee in the Cup” initiative is being pushed by Bob Pack, a technology mogul and …

Alabama Supreme Court Upholds $3.2 Million Malpractice Verdict

The Alabama Supreme Court has reinstated a $3.2 million malpractice verdict awarded to the estate of a Montgomery woman who died in 2005 after being treated at the Baptist East Emergency Room in Montgomery. Lauree Durden Ellison had visited the …

Montana Man Wrongly Told He Had Terminal Brain Cancer

A federal judge has ordered the Fort Harrison VA Medical Center to pay nearly $60,000 to a Winston, Mont. man who was wrongly diagnosed with brain cancer and told he had just a few months to live. U.S. District Judge …

ACE, Trust Risk Management Launch Small Healthcare Provider Program

ACE USA’s Medical Risk Group has expanded its relationship with Trust Risk Management Services, Inc. (TRMS) to offer an admitted professional and general liability policy designed to provide insurance protection to a variety of individuals and small groups of six …

Ohio Justices: Doctor’s Apology not Evidence of Malpractice

Sympathetic statements by a doctor over a patient’s unexpected medical outcome can’t be admitted as evidence in medical malpractice cases filed after the date a law intended to outlaw their use went into effect in 2004, the Ohio Supreme Court …

Family Sues Idaho Hospital Over Father’s Death

James Dorsey led a full and active life, his final years spent helping care for his grandchildren and enjoying big family dinners. The 70-year-old died Sept. 12, 2011 at Complex Care of Idaho in Meridian. His family believes he died …

New York Family Awarded $130M in Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

A Long Island, N.Y., family has been awarded $130 million in a malpractice lawsuit. The parents of Shannon Reilly of Bayport had sued St. Charles Hospital and Rehabilitation Center in Port Jefferson. They claimed her delivery there in 2002 resulted …