medical marijuana News

New Mexico’s Budding Medical Marijuana Industry

The medical marijuana industry is growing in New Mexico. Several licensed growers are expected to open new facilities as well as dispensaries in the coming months, which would mean a boost in jobs and the economy, the Albuquerque Journal reported. …

As Minnesota’s Medical Marijuana Sites Grow, So Do Concerns

Minnesota is expected to have eight medical marijuana clinics open this summer, but some observers are wondering whether there’s enough patient demand. Minnesota Public Radio News reported that the state had predicted about 5,000 patients would quickly flood to the …

Alabama Medical Marijuana Bill Headed to Governor

The Alabama legislature on Wednesday voted to decriminalize medicinal marijuana oil possession. In a 95-4 vote in the House of Representatives and a 29-3 vote in the Senate, legislators supported a bill supporters say is a bid to help families …

Board to Ponder Rules for Marijuana Consumption at Alaska Stores

Marijuana regulators in Alaska plan to consider rules this week for consuming marijuana products at authorized retail pot stores, a first among states that have legalized the recreational use of pot. Late last year, the Marijuana Control Board voted to …

Montana Medical Marijuana Backers Launch Ballot Measure to Loosen Limits

Advocates for medical marijuana in Montana have begun gathering signatures for an initiative that would ask voters to undo legislation limiting the use of the substance. But backers of I-182 have just nine weeks to collect the 24,175 valid signatures …

Pennsylvania Becomes 24th State to Legalize Medical Marijuana

Pennsylvania has become the 24th state to legalize a comprehensive medical marijuana program. Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf signed the bill into law Sunday afternoon surrounded by a jubilant crowd of supporters at the Capitol building in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. “Marijuana is …

Ohio Lawmakers Want Medical Marijuana Legal by Summer

Medical marijuana will be legalized in Ohio by summer, state representatives pledged, calling their legislative effort more responsible and comprehensive than any ballot proposal. The Ohio legislation comes as the national Marijuana Policy Project pursues a medical marijuana issue for …

Pennsylvania Lawmakers Start Debating Medical Marijuana Bill

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives took up a proposal this week to permit the use of marijuana for medical purposes, a potential breakthrough for supporters who have worked for several years to get legalization through the Republican-controlled Legislature. The debate …

Georgia Senate Stalls Bill to Expand Medical Marijuana Eligibility

A bill to expand the diseases eligible for medical marijuana in Georgia has stalled in the Senate with just a few days remaining in the legislative session. Republican state Rep. Allen Peake of Macon hoped to pass legislation allowing state-licensed …

Wisconsin Firms Cash in on Marijuana Legalization in Other States

Some Wisconsin companies are cashing in on new opportunities created by the legalization of marijuana in other states. A few Wisconsin firms have actively positioned themselves as suppliers to marijuana growers and processors, seeing the industry as an extension of …