medical records breach News

Co-Conspirator Sentenced for Damage, Unauthorized Access to Health System

A Rutland, Massachusetts man was sentenced in federal court in Worcester to conspiring to access a computer system of his former employer โ€“ a non-profit substance use and mental health treatment provider that operates recovery centers throughout Massachusetts. Nathan Howe …

Alabama Man Steals 39 Patient Identities, Buys 14 Cars

Police say an Irondale, Ala., man stole the identities of dozens of patients at a Birmingham doctor’s office and used their credit to buy 14 automobiles worth an estimated half million dollars. Multiple news outlets report 20-year-old Charles Cheeks was …

90% of Healthcare Firms Hit by Cyber Attack: Ponemon

A rise in cyber attacks against doctors and hospitals is costing the U.S. healthcare system $6 billion a year as organized criminals who once targeted retailers and financial firms increasingly go after medical records, security researchers say. Criminal attacks against …

Healthcare Firms at Risk; Hackers Value Medical Records Over Credit Data

Your medical information is worth 10 times more than your credit card number on the black market. Last month, the FBI warned healthcare providers to guard against cyber attacks after one of the largest U.S. hospital operators, Community Health Systems …