melting News

Arctic Sea Ice at Record Low; Expected to Keep on Melting

The world’s Arctic ice cap has shrunk to a new low, surpassing a record set only five years ago, and is expected to keep retreating for a few more weeks, according to U.S. data released on Monday. The Arctic sea …

NSIDC: Arctic Ice Melting at Faster Rate than 2007 Record Year

The latest report from the National Snow & Ice Data Center reports that “Arctic sea ice extent during the first two weeks of August continued to track below 2007 record low daily ice extents. “As of August 13, ice extent …

New Antarctic Ice Shelf Threatened by Global Warming

Scientists are predicting the disappearance of another vast ice shelf in Antarctica by the end of the century that will accelerate rising sea levels. The Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf fringing the Weddell Sea on the eastern side of Antarctica has so …

Climate Contrarian Case Wilts as More Studies Confirm Warming Trends

A clutch of recent studies reinforces evidence that people are causing climate change and suggests debate should now move on to a more precise understanding of its impact on humans. The reports, published in various journals in recent weeks, add …

Melting Arctic May Redraw Global Geopolitical Map

This year’s frenzy of oil and gas exploration in newly accessible Arctic waters could be the harbinger of even starker changes to come. If, as many scientists predict, currently inaccessible sea lanes across the top of the world become navigable …

US Data Center Study Finds Arctic Ice Melts to Second Lowest Level Ever

Sea ice on the Arctic Ocean shrank to its second-smallest extent since modern records began, in keeping with a long-term trend, the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center reported Thursday. The annual sea ice minimum was reached on Sept. …

Study Forecasts Ice Melt Will Close off Arctic’s Interior Riches

Global warming will likely open up coastal areas in the Arctic to development but close vast regions of the northern interior to forestry and mining by mid-century as ice and frozen soil under temporary winter roads melt, researchers said. Higher …

Arctic Nations Meet to Chart Future of World’s Final Frontier

Leaders of Arctic nations will gather in Greenland this week to chart future cooperation as global warming sets off a race for oil, mineral, fishing and shipping opportunities in the world’s fragile final frontier. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton …

World Sea Levels Could Rise over Five Feet by 2100

Quickening climate change in the Arctic including a thaw of Greenland’s ice could drive world sea levels by up to 1.6 meters (5 ft. 3 in.) by 2100, an international report said on Tuesday. Such a rise — above most …