Mercedes-Benz emissions lawsuit News

Carmakers Face UK ‘Dieselgate’ Lawsuits Worth at Least $7.6B, Lawyers Say

Some of the world’s biggest carmakers are facing 1.5 million lawsuits in Britain for allegedly cheating emissions tests that could cost them at least 6 billion pounds ($7.6 billion), claimants’ lawyers told London’s High Court on Tuesday. The claims, brought …

Mercedez-Benz Faces More Than 300,000 UK Claims Over Diesel Emissions

Mercedes-Benz faces more than 300,000 claims at London’s High Court from the owners of diesel vehicles that were allegedly equipped with “defeat devices” to cheat emissions tests. The German carmaker is said to have misled customers about certain diesel vehicles’ …

Owners of Cars With Emissions ‘Defeat Devices’ Can Claim Damages: EU Court Adviser

BRUSSELS – Owners of vehicles equipped with so-called defeat devices have a right to compensation from the vehicle manufacturer, an adviser to the top EU court said on Thursday in a case brought against Mercedes-Benz. Defeat devices are mechanisms or …