MetLife SIFI News

Republican Senator Wants Trump to Drop Systemic Risk Case Against MetLife

A Republican member of the Senate Banking Committee said on Thursday that he was “frustrated” that the Trump administration had not yet dropped the government’s case against Metlife Inc., an insurer challenging its “too big to fail” designation. Senator Pat …

MetLife, U.S. Renew Court Battle Over ‘Too Big to Fail’

The U.S. government and the country’s largest life insurer are set for a rematch in a U.S. appeals court on Monday over how federal regulators decide a company is “too big to fail,” one of the most significant reforms to …

Authors, Backers of Dodd-Frank Criticize Court for Cutting MetLife ‘Too-Big-To-Fail’ Tag

A federal court’s striking down of the government’s designation of insurer MetLife Inc as “too-big-to-fail” could undermine efforts to head off another financial crisis, authors of the landmark Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law said. In a brief filed on Thursday …

Federal Reserve to Propose Lighter Capital Rules for Large Insurers Than Banks

U.S. insurers deemed big enough to threaten the financial system will probably face capital standards that are simpler and less costly than those imposed on Wall Street banks, Federal Reserve Governor Daniel Tarullo said Friday. The Fed “in coming weeks” …

MetLife Systemic Risk Battle Not Over as U.S. Files Appeal

The U.S. government on Friday appealed a court decision that major insurer MetLife cannot be considered “too big to fail” in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, according to a filing. U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack …

Judge Calls FSOC Review of MetLife ‘Fatally Flawed;’ Government Vows Appeal

The U.S. government panel that decided MetLife Inc. was too big to fail erred in not analyzing the insurer’s vulnerability to financial distress, according to the federal judge who rescinded that designation last week. U.S. District Judge Rosemary M. Collyer …

MetLife Spinoff Plan Could Add to Pressure on AIG to Split

After General Electric Co. began selling finance operations to exit too-big-to-fail status, American International Group Inc. Chief Executive Officer Peter Hancock said it wasn’t clear that escaping the government risk tag would offer significant benefits to his company. Then in …

MetLife Considers Appeal of Systemic Risk Label

MetLife Inc., the biggest U.S. life insurer by assets, was labeled a systemically important financial institution by a council of regulators and said it will consider whether to sue the government over the decision. The Financial Stability Oversight Council voted …

Banks Balk at Easing Dodd-Frank Capital Requirements for Insurers

After coming together to help Republicans retake Congress, the financial industry is splitting over the best strategy to accomplish its main goal of paring back the Dodd-Frank Act. The rift appeared the day after the Republicans’ victory in November. Lobbyists …

MetLife Executives Appear Before FSOC to Challenge Systemic Risk Tag

MetLife Inc. Chief Executive Officer Steven Kandarian was accompanied by Washington lawyer Eugene Scalia at a hearing Monday to challenge regulators’ proposal to subject the insurer to Federal Reserve oversight, a person with knowledge of the matter said. MetLife Chief …