MetLife SIFI News

Delaware Commissioner Urges Treasury to Reconsider MetLife’s SIFI Designation

Delaware Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart has recently sent a letter to U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew and other federal regulators urging them to reconsider their vote to propose that MetLife be labeled as a “systemically important financial institution” (SIFI). …

Treasury to Weigh Changes, Hear MetLife Challenge on Systemic Risk

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew said a council of financial regulators will consider changes to how it evaluates companies for systemically important designation. The Financial Stability Oversight Council “will begin to consider possible changes in the coming months” after …

MetLife Challenges Systemic Risk Designation

MetLife Inc., the largest U.S. life insurer, is challenging a U.S. finding that it poses a potential risk to the financial system if it were to fail. MetLife requested a hearing before the Financial Stability Oversight Council, or FSOC, to …

MetLife May Fight Systemic Risk Designation

Insurer MetLife said it is exploring ways to fight the U.S. government’s proposal on Thursday to deem it “systemically important” and subject it to stronger regulatory oversight. MetLife is the third insurer to be tapped for such a designation, which …

MetLife ‘Strongly Disagrees’ with Systemically Risky Designation

MetLife Inc., the biggest U.S. life insurer, was tentatively categorized as a systemically important financial institution (SIFI) by a panel of regulators, which would subject it to stricter Federal Reserve supervision. “MetLife strongly disagrees,” Chief Executive Officer Steven Kandarian said …