MetLife too big to fail News

U.S. Regulator Pulls Back from MetLife’s ‘Too-Big-to-Fail’ Designation

The U.S. government and MetLife Inc. announced on Thursday they would jointly seek to dismiss an appeal over whether the insurance company should face stricter oversight as a key part of the financial system. MetLife and the Financial Stability Oversight …

MetLife ‘Too Big to Fail’ Case Remains on Hold Awaiting Trump Weigh-In

Any legal decision on whether the largest U.S. life insurer MetLife Inc. should be labeled “too big to fail” will probably come after the Trump administration defines its stance on the designation. A U.S. appeals court said on Wednesday that …

Judicial Records on MetLife ‘Too Big to Fail’ Ruling May Be Opened to Public

The public may soon be able to delve into how a U.S. District Court judge came to rule that MetLife Inc is not “too big to fail,” after three appeals judges on Tuesday decided many records in the case should …

MetLife’s ‘Too Big to Fail’ Lawsuit on Agenda for U.S. Regulators

Heads of the U.S. financial regulatory agencies will meet behind closed doors this Friday to discuss MetLife Inc.’s lawsuit against them, according to a notice from Treasury, as the Trump administration wrestles with reforms put in place in response to …

Court Agrees to Put MetLife ‘Too Big to Fail’ Case on Pause

A U.S. appeals court on Friday granted a 60-day pause in the long-running case in which the country’s largest life insurer, MetLife Inc, has challenged the federal government’s labeling of it as “too big to fail,” as the Trump administration …

U.S. Wants More Time to Review MetLife Systemic Risk Tag

The U.S. government on Thursday requested a 60-day pause in a case involving MetLife Inc,. the country’s largest life insurer, and how regulators designate certain companies as “too big to fail,” a major reform arising from the 2007-09 financial crisis. …

MetLife Asks Court to Delay ‘Too Big to Fail’ Challenge as Trump Vows Review

MetLife Inc. is asking a U.S. court to put on pause a case over how the government deems certain companies “too big to fail,” one of the most significant reforms to come out of the financial crisis, while President Donald …

Republican Senator Wants Trump to Drop Systemic Risk Case Against MetLife

A Republican member of the Senate Banking Committee said on Thursday that he was “frustrated” that the Trump administration had not yet dropped the government’s case against Metlife Inc., an insurer challenging its “too big to fail” designation. Senator Pat …

Authors, Backers of Dodd-Frank Criticize Court for Cutting MetLife ‘Too-Big-To-Fail’ Tag

A federal court’s striking down of the government’s designation of insurer MetLife Inc as “too-big-to-fail” could undermine efforts to head off another financial crisis, authors of the landmark Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law said. In a brief filed on Thursday …

MetLife Systemic Risk Battle Not Over as U.S. Files Appeal

The U.S. government on Friday appealed a court decision that major insurer MetLife cannot be considered “too big to fail” in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, according to a filing. U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack …