#metoo News

Citi Suit Raises #MeToo Claims at Wall Street’s Top Levels

Ardith Lindsey’s lawsuit accusing Citigroup Inc. of tolerating years of sexual harassment and assault against her struck a chord across Wall Street for many reasons, not least of which was her title: managing director. It’s typically the most senior rank …

Biden Signs #MeToo Law Curbing Confidentiality Agreements

President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed legislation curbing the use of confidentiality agreements that block victims of sexual harassment from speaking publicly about misconduct in the workplace. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Biden had acted on the bipartisan …

5 Years On, Key #MeToo Voices Take Stock of the Movement

Once again, disgraced mogul Harvey Weinstein sits in a courtroom, on trial in Los Angeles while the reckoning the accusations against him launched marks a significant milestone this month: It’s been five years since a brief hashtag – #MeToo – …

Harvey Weinstein Is Granted Appeal of Rape, Sex-Assault Conviction

Harvey Weinstein has been granted a request to appeal his rape and sexual assault conviction to New York’s highest court. Chief Judge Janet DiFiore granted the request on Aug. 19, said Gary Spencer, a spokesperson for the Court of Appeals …

Mario Batali Acquittal Underscores Perils of #MeToo Cases

Bill Cosby was released from prison when his conviction that he drugged and assaulted a woman was overturned. Quarterback Deshaun Watson landed a record-setting $230 million contract, despite an investigation into allegations he assaulted 22 women. Celebrity chef Mario Batali …

McDonald’s Alleges Ex-CEO Duped Directors, Seeks to Claw Back $37 Million Severance

McDonald’s Corp. told a judge that ex-CEO Steve Easterbrook lied about four alleged sexual relationships with subordinates to dupe directors into letting him leave with stock awards as part of his severance. The fast food company, which is seeking to …

Bullying and Harassment Increase for Some Workers in Pandemic Lockdown: Opinion

Working from home should have liberated employees from toxic workplace behavior such as bullying and harassment. Amid the lockdowns, gone are undesired office encounters, business trips, round-the-clock conferences and much after-hours socializing. Yet, far from ending misconduct, the pandemic lockdowns …

French #MeToo Milestone: Court Orders Dentist to Pay Damages for Sexual Harassment

A dentist was ordered by France’s top court to pay damages for sexually abusing a female assistant after the man was cleared of related criminal charges. In a milestone ruling last month, the Cour de Cassation said the bar is …

Exits of McDonald’s Executives Show Risks of Missteps in #MeToo Era

McDonald’s Corp. has been working hard to fend off accusations it overlooks workplace harassment and abuse. So when it came to light that its chief executive officer was in a relationship with a colleague, the board had little room to …

Managing Sexual Harassment Risk in the #MeToo Era

Since October 2017 when the #MeToo era began and sexual harassment claims against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein were revealed, insurers have seen an uptick in not only the number but also the size of sexual harassment claims. “[W]e’re going into …