#MeToo movement News

Survey Says #MeToo May Be Quashing Company Holiday Parties

Business is going strong, but fewer U.S. companies are celebrating with holiday parties this year. This may be the result of the #MeToo movement, which has highlighted sexual harassment and assault in the workplace, according to a survey released this …

Employers, Employees Disconnect Over #MeToo Effect

Ask employers how they’re doing on sexual harassment in the workplace and most will say pretty well. Employees have a different take. Nearly 70 percent of leaders “strongly agree” that their workplace “does not tolerate harassment.” Fewer than half of …

Colleges Handling Surge in Claims of Past Sexual Harassment

For 35 years, Ruth D’Eredita tried to dismiss her former professor’s behavior — the way he touched her, groped her and kissed her. But last year, as dozens of women came forward to share similar encounters with powerful men, she …