Mexico earthquakes News

UPDATE 2: Global Re/Insurers Estimate Price Tag of Q3 Hurricanes & Quakes

Losses from Hurricane Maria and other recent 2017 natural catastrophes, including Hurricanes Irma and Harvey, the Mexico City earthquakes and other events, have led global insurers and reinsurers to issue profit warnings. Below are statements from insurers and reinsurers in …

Economic Costs of Mexico’s Earthquake Could Surpass $2B

President Enrique Pena Nieto said Wednesday [Sept. 27] that preliminary accounting of the damage caused by the two big earthquakes that hit Mexico this month could cost upward of $2 billion (38.1 billion pesos). Pena Nieto stressed that damage assessments …

Mexico Calculates Economic Cost of Quake; Insurance Covers Small Part of Losses

Mexican government officials are still tallying up the economic losses of the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that caused widespread damage in the capital, but for the manager of a downtown restaurant it is already all too clear. Sitting in the entrance …

Global Reinsurers Face Exposures to Mexico City Earthquake: Morgan Stanley

Global reinsurers will likely face exposures from a massive magnitude 7.1 earthquake that struck Mexico City on Sept. 19, Morgan Stanley said in a new research note. This earthquake led to dozens of deaths and the toppling of a number …

Death Toll from Mexico Earthquake Rises to 96

The death toll from Mexico’s 8.1 magnitude earthquake rose to 96 on Monday as more victims were confirmed in the hard-hit southern states of Oaxaca and Chiapas and residents worked to repair shattered homes and small businesses. The Foreign Relations …

After Powerful Mexico Quake, Authorities Evaluate if Cat Bond Payout Triggered

At least 61 people died when the most powerful earthquake to hit Mexico in over eight decades tore through buildings and forced mass evacuations in the poor southern states of Oaxaca and Chiapas, triggering alerts as far away as Southeast …