Michael Carlson News

Florida Fights Back Against Assignment of Benefits Abuse

Florida insurers, consumer and insurance advocates, as well as regulators, are hoping 2016 may finally be the year that legislators address the misuse of assignment of benefits (AOB) for water loss claims that they say has become a rampant and …

Florida Senate Leader to Insurers: Where Are Savings from PIP Reforms?

Key Florida lawmakers are running out of patience with the state’s fraud-plagued no-fault motor vehicle insurance system that has cost policyholders hundred millions of dollars. Senate President Don Gaetz , R-Niceville, told The Associated Press he isn’t persuaded that reforms …

Insurers Form Florida Lobby Group to Change Personal Lines

Some of Florida’s largest insurance companies have banded together and formed the Personal Lines Insurance Federation of Florida to lobby for changes in the state’s regulatory environment in an effort to spur growth in the personal lines market. Allstate Insurance …