Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder News

Michigan’s Inadvertent Tax Break for Car Insurers Targeted for Repeal

Gov. Rick Snyder and lawmakers inadvertently gave auto insurers a tax break worth $80 million a year. Now, they want to end it _ either to bail out Detroit’s state-managed school district or to address other priorities at a time …

Michigan Governor Unveils Auto Insurance Plan

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder and Republican lawmakers have unveiled a proposal to end unlimited lifetime coverage for medical expenses tied to auto accidents. Drivers now pay $175 per car per year to cover catastrophic injuries, and the fee is rising …

Michigan Governor Calls for Creation of Natural Disaster Fund

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder is proposing setting aside state funds to use in the case of natural disasters such as forest fires, tornadoes and floods. Snyder is calling for $4 million in the budget for fiscal year 2014 that begins …

Michigan Governor Signs Cellphone Ban for Novice Drivers

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder has signed legislation prohibiting novice drivers from using a cellphone while behind the wheel. The bill applies to holders of Level 1 licenses, who must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or another driver at least …