michigan legislation News

Bipartisan Michigan Bills Would Give Sex Abuse Victims More Time to Sue

State lawmakers are poised to consider bipartisan bills aimed at helping potentially thousands of sex abuse victims sue for damages, including those molested by a University of Michigan sports physician. It is the second time since 2018 that the Legislature …

Michigan Governor Vetoes Bill to Let 1-Time DUI Offenders Clear Record

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer refused to sign a bill that would have let one-time drunken drivers ask a judge to set aside their conviction, despite the measure’s broad bipartisan support in the Michigan Legislature. The Democrat took no action on …

Michigan Legislature Passes Legal Liability, Unemployment Measures

Michigan’s Republican-led Legislature on Oct. 14 voted to keep intact longer-lasting unemployment benefits and other coronavirus-related orders issued by Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, while also striking a deal on liability protections for businesses. The move followed a monthlong fight over …

Michigan House Passes Bills Shielding Employers from Virus Lawsuits

A divided Michigan House voted on Sept. 23 to shield health providers and businesses from coronavirus-related lawsuits filed by patients, employees or customers, advancing bills that majority Republicans said would give businesses more comfort to reopen and block frivolous complaints. …

Bill Sent to Michigan Governor Requires Reports on Firefighting Foam

Fire departments that use a foam containing a group of chemicals known as PFAS would be required to report its use within 48 hours of ending a fire under legislation sent to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The bill won unanimous approval …

Human Needed in Driverless Test Cars? Maybe not in Michigan

Michigan would no longer require that someone be inside a self-driving car while testing it on public roads under legislation passed unanimously on Sept. 7 by the state Senate, where backers touted the measures as necessary to keep the U.S. …

Equal Coverage of Cancer Drugs Required Under Michigan Bill

Cancer patients and survivors are lobbying lawmakers to make Michigan the latest in a long line of states to require equal insurance coverage of chemotherapy regardless of whether the drugs are given by needle or taken orally. The push addresses …

Michigan Lawmakers OK Alcohol on Liability-Insured ‘Pedal Pubs’

People would be able to drink alcohol on certain pedal-powered vehicles under legislation going to Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder for consideration. The state House on June 18 gave final approval to the two bills. The bills would allow alcohol to …