Microsoft Corp. News

Seattle Techies Seek Ban on Human Drivers on Stretch of I-5

If you have nightmares about robots taking over the world, here’s something that might really scare you: some tech industry veterans in Seattle want to ban human drivers from a 150-mile stretch of Interstate 5 and reserve it for self-driving …

Can Your ‘Smart’ Appliances Be Trusted with Your Personal Data? Probably Not…

Your fridge is getting so smart, security-software maker Kaspersky Lab thinks you probably shouldn’t trust it. As makers of household appliances fill their machines with computer chips to make them smarter, consumers and privacy watchdogs should beware the data collected …

Microsoft Says Cybercrime Bust Frees 4.7 Million Infected PC’s

Microsoft Corp said it has freed at least 4.7 million infected personal computers from control of cyber crooks in its most successful digital crime-busting operation, which interrupted service at an Internet-services firm last week. The world’s largest software maker has …

Insurance Agent Takes Stand on Gay Marriage in Supreme Court Case

Today David Kosar can be considered one of the nation’s most outspoken insurance agents on the issue of gay marriage. Kosar, owner of David Kosar Insurance Agency-American Family in Everett, Wash., has joined an amicus brief filed by 278 businesses, …

Google Captive in Hawaii on Track

Web search giant Google Inc. has been granted tentative approval from the Department of Labor to form a captive insurance company in Hawaii to cover employee benefits for thousands of the Mountain View, Calif.-based web giant’s U.S. workforce. The tentative …