Mike Duggan News

Bill to Lower Michigan Auto Insurance Premiums on Shaky Ground

Legislation to reduce Michigan’s high auto insurance premiums by letting drivers opt out of mandatory unlimited medical coverage is in peril, with majority Republicans lacking enough support to pass it on their own and many Democrats pushing an alternative plan. …

Michigan Bill Would Cut Auto Premiums by 20%

Michigan drivers would no longer be required to buy unlimited medical insurance to cover serious crash injuries under legislation that high-ranking supporters proposed Tuesday to significantly reduce the country’s most expensive auto premiums. Michigan is the only state to mandate …

Michigan Senate Leader: Any Mandated Car Insurance Rate Cut Is ‘Dead’

Any proposal to automatically cut premiums for Michigan drivers would be “dead” on arrival in the Republican-led Senate, Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof said, bringing into question lawmakers’ long-sought aim to enact major auto insurance changes. Meekhof, on the Legislature’s first …