Mike McQueary News

Penn State Payouts on Sandusky Abuse Claims Now Top $100M

Penn State disclosed Friday it recently paid out an additional $16 million to people with claims they were sexually abused by former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, raising the total over several years to more than $100 million. It’s not …

Man Claiming to be Victim Testifies in Penn State Sandusky Case

A man who claims he was the young sexual-assault victim seen with former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky in a campus shower 15 years ago, a central episode in the molestation scandal that rocked the university, testified in …

Insurance Documents in Penn State Sex Abuse Case Released

Penn State coach Joe Paterno was told by a teen boy in 1976 that assistant coach Jerry Sandusky had molested him in the shower but responded that he didn’t want to hear about it and had “a football season to …