Miles Celic News

Brexit Uncertainties Remain for City of London – Despite Approval of Draft Deal

The City of London averted one disaster with the draft Brexit deal announced Wednesday. But the resignation of Brexit Minister Dominic Raab showed the obstacle course is far from over. Even if the U.K. Parliament clears the agreement — and …

UK Financial Services Sector Seeking ‘Ambitious’ Brexit Trade Agreement

The UK’s financial sector is seeking an “ambitious” trade pact between Britain and the European Union to try to prevent a costly shift of jobs and business to the continent once the country leaves the bloc, according to a draft …

UK Financial Services Sector Drops Demand for Post-Brexit Passporting

Britain’s finance industry has reluctantly given up on efforts to keep full access to the European Union after Brexit and is pushing instead for a more limited trade deal that would potentially exclude some financial products. Banks, insurers and asset …