miles driven News

Reduced Driving Turns Into Fewer Injuries and Workers’ Compensation Claims

The COVID-19 pandemic comes with one bright spot for workers’ compensation insurers: Fewer workers are being injured in motor vehicle accidents. A research brief issued by the National Council on Compensation Insurance projects that workers’ compensation claims caused by motor …

Overall U.S. Traffic Is Down 16% for Year

Travel on all U.S. roads and streets for 2020 is down by 264.2 billion vehicle miles, or 16.6%, according to the Department of Transportation. For June traffic was down 36.5 billion vehicle miles, or 13.0%, compared with June 2019. Travel …

Traffic Down 25%, Motor Vehicle Fatalities Down 8% in May During Lockdowns

Preliminary estimates indicate that deaths from motor vehicle accidents fell in May but the death rate per miles driven jumped considerably. According to the National Safety Council, it was the third month in a row when there were fewer deaths …

Personal Lines Insurance Poised to Turn Profit in 2020 As Auto Claims Fall: Fitch

After a profitable 2019, the U.S. personal lines insurance sector is positioned to see underwriting profits in 2020 even with considerable economic uncertainty from the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report from Fitch Ratings. The ongoing pandemic is “substantially affecting” …

Americans on Road to Driving Record Number of Miles

American drivers logged a record number of miles in the first three months of the year, as travel rose 4.2 percent to 746 billion miles, the U.S. Transportation Department said on Friday. In March this year, Americans drove 273.4 billion …

Loan Data Discredits View That Millennials Do Not Want Cars

Millennials are less interested than older folks in owning their own cars, right? Maybe not, according to auto loan data showing young Americans are increasingly active in the car buying market. Despite the belief that millennials could become an increasingly …