Millennium Tower News

Luxury High-Rise in California Tilting 3 Inches Per Year

A 58-story luxury apartment building in San Francisco continues to sink and is tilting about 3 inches per year, the engineer responsible for fixing the troubled building said. At the current rate without a fix, the Millennium Tower in just …

More Sinking in Tilting San Francisco High-Rise Halts Repairs

A $100 million fix to stop a San Francisco luxury high-rise from sinking and tilting even more is on hold while engineers try to learn why the building has sunk another inch during the repair. Doug Elmets, spokesman for the …

Another Building in San Francisco Appears to Be Sinking

A few blocks from the 58-story Millennium Tower, dubbed “the leaning tower of San Francisco,” another building appears to be sinking. An 18-story building in the city’s financial district appears to have settled up to three-eighths of an inch because …

Homeowners Association at Sinking High-Rise in San Francisco Sues Developer

A homeowners association representing property owners at a downtown San Francisco high-rise has sued the developers on for failing to tell residents the condominium tower was sinking at an unexpected rate. The Millennium Tower homeowners association’s lawsuit is the latest …