Mine Safety and Health Administration News

Coal Mines Becoming Safer But Some Still ‘Don’t Get It,’ Says U.S. Regulator

Coal operators across the country are changing the way they work, and mines are becoming safer, but the head of the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration said Thursday there are still too many who “don’t get it.” In a …

Questions Raised About Federal Probe of West Virginia Mine Blast

Newly disclosed records show U.S. Labor Department officials stopped independent investigators from questioning how federal regulators handled methane leaks from the floor of the Upper Big Branch mine several times before last year’s disaster. In April 2010, 29 men died …

Firm to Pay $209M Over West Virginia Blast That Killed 29

Coal miner Alpha Natural Resources has agreed to pay $1.5 million to each of the families of 29 miners killed in an explosion at the Upper Big Branch Mine in West Virginia last year. The payments – part of a …

Kentucky Reports Year’s 7th Miner Death

A foreman has been killed at an underground mine in eastern Kentucky, the third mine-related fatality in the state in 10 days. State officials said in a statement that due to the recent deaths, analysts from the Office of Mine …

Alpha Says Safety Improving at Massey Mines

The number of mine injuries has been cut in the five months since Alpha Natural Resources bought Massey Energy, which had owned the coal mine where 29 men died in a blast last year, Alpha’s CEO said Thursday. “The year-to-date …

Ex-Mine Official Convicted in Deadly West Virginia Disaster

The former security chief at a West Virginia coal mine where 29 miners died last year was convicted of two felonies Wednesday, the U.S. Attorney’s office said. Hughie Elbert Stover, 60, was convicted by a federal jury of making false …

Safety Crackdown Not Harming Mining Industry: Official

The federal Mine Safety and Health Administration’s continuing crackdown on the coal industry hasn’t deterred the industry’s growth, director Joe Main said Friday. From April 2010 to June 2011, the number of underground mining employees grew by about 11 percent, …

Mining Industry Launches Safety Program

The National Mining Association says it’s launching a program to get companies collaborating so mine operators with poor safety records can learn from those with good ones. The goal is to eliminate deaths and cut injuries in half within five …

14 Mining Deaths Reported Thus Far in 2011

Federal mine safety regulators said that eight miners have been killed in coal mining operations, and six in the metal and nonmetal sector this year through the end of June. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration …

Federal Report: Coal Dust, Deception in Fatal West Virginia Mine Blast

The blast that killed 29 men in a West Virginia coal mine last year was probably caused by coal dust ignition, compounded by safety failings, intimidation and deception by the mine’s owner, the U.S. mine regulator said Wednesday. The Mine …