mine safety improvements News

West Virginia to Receive $524K in Grants for Mine Safety Courses

The West Virginia Office of Miners’ Health, Safety and Training will receive more than $524,000 in federal funds for training courses aimed at reducing mining accidents, injuries and illnesses. The Mine Safety and Health Administration announced the grants July 6. …

Inspections Improving Mine Safety, Says U.S. Official

Aggressive inspections at troubled mines are helping create safer working environments for coal miners, the head of the federal government’s mine safety agency said during a visit to Kentucky. U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration Director Joe Main met with …

Alpha Says Safety Improving at Massey Mines

The number of mine injuries has been cut in the five months since Alpha Natural Resources bought Massey Energy, which had owned the coal mine where 29 men died in a blast last year, Alpha’s CEO said Thursday. “The year-to-date …