mine safety News

West Virginia Firm Develops ‘Guardian Angel’ for Miners

A West Virginia company is working on a piece of equipment designed to keep miners safer. Trinity Resources, headquartered in Putnam County, demonstrated its a mobile mine safety chamber this week at the West Virginia Mining Symposium in Charleston. The …

Mine Safety Chief Seeks to End Complacency Over Safety

If there’s one lasting cultural change Mine Safety and Health Administration Director Joe Main wants to make in both the federal agency and the industry it regulates, it’s ending the cycle of intensity and complacency. After every high-profile disaster, regulators …

Coal Mines Becoming Safer But Some Still ‘Don’t Get It,’ Says U.S. Regulator

Coal operators across the country are changing the way they work, and mines are becoming safer, but the head of the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration said Thursday there are still too many who “don’t get it.” In a …

West Virginia Lawmakers’ Personal Tragedies Spur Mine Safety Bill

For two West Virginia lawmakers who lost fathers in coal mining accidents, preventing disasters like the 2010 Upper Big Branch explosion has taken a personal turn with Monday’s introduction of a bipartisan safety proposal. House Speaker Rick Thompson was not …

Mines Must Disclose Safety Violations to Investors Under New SEC Rules

Mining companies will need to disclose to investors information about health and safety violations under new rules adopted on Wednesday by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The rules, which are required by last year’s Dodd-Frank Wall Street overhaul law, …

Alpha Says Safety Improving at Massey Mines

The number of mine injuries has been cut in the five months since Alpha Natural Resources bought Massey Energy, which had owned the coal mine where 29 men died in a blast last year, Alpha’s CEO said Thursday. “The year-to-date …

Safety Crackdown Not Harming Mining Industry: Official

The federal Mine Safety and Health Administration’s continuing crackdown on the coal industry hasn’t deterred the industry’s growth, director Joe Main said Friday. From April 2010 to June 2011, the number of underground mining employees grew by about 11 percent, …

West Virginia Orders Emergency Mine Inspections

West Virginia mine safety officials have ordered emergency inspections of up to 500 rescue shelters in the state’s underground coal mines. The Office of Miners Health, Safety and Training issued the order Friday. West Virginia mines are required to contain …

Mining Industry Launches Safety Program

The National Mining Association says it’s launching a program to get companies collaborating so mine operators with poor safety records can learn from those with good ones. The goal is to eliminate deaths and cut injuries in half within five …

Pennsylvania Mining Firm Fined $900K Over Deadly Explosion

An administrative judge has ordered a small Pennsylvania mining company to pay $900,000 in fines related to the 2006 explosion that killed a miner and resulted in criminal charges against three others, a newspaper reported Friday. Federal officials say the …