mining deaths News

Kentucky Reduces Number of Coal Mine Safety Inspections to Cut Costs

Kathy Bartlett watched helplessly this spring as Kentucky lawmakers cut back on mine safety inspections and replaced them with coaching sessions on miners’ safety habits. She knows more than most what’s at stake. Bartlett’s son, Rickey Thorpe, was crushed to …

1 Killed in Alabama Mining Accident

Officials say an accident at a coal mine near Birmingham, Ala., has left one person dead. A statement from the West Virginia-based Seneca Coal Resources says a rail-hauling accident happened Monday night at the company’s Oak Grove Mine in western …

Mining Deaths Down in First Half of 2012

Nineteen mining deaths occurred during the first six months of the year, the second-lowest midyear toll ever recorded, federal regulators said. Fourteen miners died during the same period last year. The Mine Safety and Health Administration said 10 of this …

10 Miners Have Died in Job-Related Accidents Thus Far in 2012

The federal Mine Safety and Health Administration said 10 miners died in work-related accidents at the nation’s mines during the first quarter of 2012, and half of those occurred on five consecutive weekends. MSHA chief Joe Main said that three …

14 Mining Deaths Reported Thus Far in 2011

Federal mine safety regulators said that eight miners have been killed in coal mining operations, and six in the metal and nonmetal sector this year through the end of June. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration …