Mississippi alligators News

Exxon Not Liable for Alligators in Mississippi Dump, Court Rules

Exxon Mobil Corp. isn’t responsible for alligators overrunning a rural dump site it owns in Mississippi, the state supreme court ruled, because the global oil explorer can’t control wild animals. The family that felt menaced by the scaly reptiles infesting …

Mississippi Court Hears If Exxon Liable for Land Depreciation Caused By Alligators

The Mississippi Supreme Court is refereeing a dispute between a Wilkinson County couple and ExxonMobil Corp. over an alleged alligator infestation. Justices heard oral arguments Tuesday. The dispute involves more than 80 alligators that Tom Christmas and his wife argue …

Mississippi Homeowners Renew Lawsuit Against Exxon Over Alligators

Tom Christmas and his wife argue that they didn’t discover the 84-plus alligators on land next to their homestead until four years after they bought the property in southwest Mississippi. ExxonMobil Corp. counters that the Christmases’ real estate agent told …