Mississippi damages cap News

Settlement in Mississippi Damages Cap Case Avoids Supreme Court Test

The parties in a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of a legislatively imposed cap on how much juries can award in non-economic damages say they have settled the case. Oral arguments had been set for Wednesday in Jackson before the Mississippi …

Mississippi Supreme Court to Decide If Damages Cap Is Constitutional

The Mississippi Supreme Court is being asked to overturn a state judge’s ruling that a legislatively imposed cap on how much juries can award in non-economic damages is unconstitutional. Circuit Judge Charles Webster in Coahoma County issued the ruling in …

Federal Judge Criticizes But Upholds Mississippi Damages Cap

A federal judge has upheld Mississippi’s cap of $500,000 on non-economic damages in medical malpractice cases. The ruling came in a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the family of a woman and her unborn baby who died after being denied …

Mississippi Damages Cap Question Not Settled by U.S. Court Ruling

A decision by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals that Mississippi’s $1 million cap on non-economic damages arising from civil litigation does not violate the state constitution’s separation of powers clause does not necessarily mean state courts have to abide …

Federal Court Seeks Rebriefing on Mississippi Damages Cap

A federal appeals court has asked parties involved in a personal injury lawsuit that challenged the constitutionality of Mississippi’s $1 million cap on non-economic damages to re-brief the issue. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans filed the …

Mississippi High Court Declines to Rule on State’s Damages Cap

The Mississippi Supreme Court says it does not have enough information to decide whether the state’s limit on non-economic damages — as applied to a federal lawsuit — is constitutional. The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, …

Mississippi Judge Declares Damages Cap Unconstitutional

A state judge has declared a legislatively imposed cap on how much juries can award in non-economic damages unconstitutional. Circuit Judge Charles Webster in Coahoma County issued the ruling April 20 in a 14-page opinion. He criticized the Legislature for …