Mississippi health insurance News

Mississippi to Create Small Business Health Insurance Exchange

Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney plans to move ahead with a health insurance exchange for small businesses after federal officials approved regulations to allow the move. The Department of Health and Human Services had proposed a rule that would have …

Mississippi Blue Cross Could End Contracts with 2 Hospital Systems

Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi has told the state’s second-largest hospital owner that it will end its contract with the company’s 10 Mississippi hospitals at the end of August. The insurer sent the termination notice to Health Management …

Mississippi Insurance Chief Chaney Worried About Uninsureds

Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney says he fears some people won’t be able to get health insurance when enrollment under the federal law opens in October. The Affordable Care Act was designed to provide affordable health insurance coverage to Americans …

Mississippi Insurance Chief Wants State-Run Health Exchange, Not Partnership

After blocking Mississippi’s proposal for a state-run health insurance exchange because of divisions among state leaders on the plan, federal officials said Friday that they’re encouraging the state to seek approval for a partnership — an exchange jointly run by …