Mississippi River News

Weather Pattern Behind Current Mississippi River Flood Similar to 1993

The flooding that has inundated low-lying communities and farmland for miles along the Upper and Lower Mississippi River is due to a large, slow-moving storm system that was spawned nearly a month ago. “The flooding began when a critical weather …

Mississippi River Nears Highest Levels Since 1937

The National Weather Service has forecast that the Mississippi River will crest at Vicksburg and Natchez at the highest levels since 1937. Forecasts are the river will crest at 52.5 feet in Vicksburg on May 13 and at 60 feet …

Midwest Prepares for Massive Spring Flooding

One of the snowiest winters on record for the Midwest and northern U.S. Plains have crop watchers worried about a repeat of the massive flooding that hit one of the world’s top grain producing regions in 2008. Accumulated precipitation this …