Mississippi News

Insurers’ Recent Success a Milestone in a Year of Chinese Drywall Litigation

A federal judge in Louisiana recently let 10 insurance companies being sued by Louisiana homeowners over property damage resulting from the installation of defective drywall from China off the hook for coverage from those claims. The early Christmas gift to …

Feds Pursuing Fraud Charges Against Oil Spill Claimants in 5 States

A woman was indicted last week in the Eastern District of Louisiana for allegedly filing fraudulent claims for compensation due to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Four other individuals were also charged last week in Alabama, Michigan, and Mississippi for …

Humana Names Bagby as Louisiana Commercial Market President

Humana Inc. named Rhonda Bagby president of its Louisiana commercial operations. As Humana’s senior commercial executive for Louisiana, based in New Orleans, Bagby is responsible for the state’s overall commercial operations, including medical and specialty benefits. She reports to Humana’s …


Insurance broker Marsh appointed Peter Mavraganis as U.S. leader of its renewable energy practice. Mavraganis, based in New York, will oversee Marsh’s support for its clients in renewable energy development, including solar, wind, biomass, and biofuel energy projects. He has …

Florida Case Is Next Test for Health Care Law

Attorneys for 20 states fighting the new federal health care law told a judge last week it will expand the government’s powers in dangerous and unintended ways. The states want U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson to issue a summary judgment …

New Jersey Moving to End Liability Cap for Offshore Spills

New Jersey is moving toward making polluters pay the full cost of cleaning up offshore spills. A bill to remove a cap on liability for oil and other spills into coastal waters was passed by the state Senate on Monday …

Summary and Status of Gulf Oil Disaster Litigation

The U.S. Department of Justice has joined the hundreds of lawsuits that have been filed as a result of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the largest in U.S. history. The following is a summary of the legal cases stemming …

Progressive Insurance Signs On As Sponsor for Gator Bowl

Progressive insurance company has signed a one-year deal to be the title sponsor of the Gator Bowl. The deal includes an option for three more years. The Gator Bowl, which will feature Mississippi State against Michigan on New Year’s Day, …

Mississippi Casino Workers’ BP Oil Claims Get Second Look

The agency in charge of paying Gulf of Mexico oil spill claims is requesting information from casinos that could lead to payments to hundreds of gambling employees previously denied damage claims, the head of an industry trade group says. Beverly …

Report: Louisiana Is Less Healthy than Previously Thought

A report from the United Health Foundation finds Louisiana’s national health rankings dropped to 49th in the last year. The ranking puts Louisiana second to only Mississippi in having the worst health outcomes of any state in the nation. State …