Mississippi News

Climate Change Litigation: Changes on the Horizon?

New and significant rulings have been issued in two of several lawsuits at the forefront of global warming/climate change litigation that are likely to set the future direction of such litigation. These cases are: Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency. The …

Court Rules Virginia Homeowner Has No Coverage for Chinese Drywall Damage

Federal Judge’s Ruling Could Affect Thousands of Similar Lawsuits An insurance company doesn’t have to pay for damages at a Virginia man’s home ruined by Chinese-made, sulfur-emitting drywall, according to a decision by a federal judge that could affect how …

State Farm Won’t Add New Flood Policies

State Farm Insurance Co. has decided to discontinue writing new flood insurance policies with the National Flood Insurance Program but the company says it will still service existing policies and that State Farm agents will continue to help their customers …

It Figures

$4.6 Million The amount spent by federal and state agencies in Mississippi to help people recover from this spring’s tornadoes, floods and severe storms. Of that total, more than $3.5 million has been approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency …

Oil Fears May Hurt Gulf States’ Economies More Than BP Spill

Fear that oil from a huge BP Plc spill will damage Mississippi’s coast is hurting the state’s economy more than oil damage itself, according to a new report. Tourists are staying away from restaurants and hotels and sport fishing is …

Insurance an Issue as Mississippi City Seeks to Restore Taxi Service

Vicksburg officials hope to attract one or more taxi companies as the city prepares to relaunch local cab service. The city has been without taxi service for nearly a year. Jim Stirgus Jr., president of the recently re-formed Vicksburg Public …

BP Oil Spill Costing Mississippi Coast $120 Million: Report

The Gulf of Mexico oil spill will cost Mississippi’s coastal counties nearly $120 million in lost tourism and service industry revenues this summer season, even though the state’s beaches have not been hit by crude, say researchers at the University …

Group: Southwestern Illinois Levee Fixes May Cost $170M

A group scrambling to upgrade Mississippi River levees in southwestern Illinois before new floodplain maps potentially raise insurance costs says it can make the fixes for $160 million to $170 million – and pay for it with sales taxes and …

Florida Hopes to Settle BP Claims Outside of Courts

BP Plc has done a poor job settling oil spill claims quickly and efficiently but pursuing the claims in court might be worse, Florida officials said Tuesday. Governor Charlie Crist and Attorney General Bill McCollum have assembled a panel to …

Documents Reveal BP Cut Safety on Oil Rig to Save Money, Time

President Barack Obama promised that life would return to normal for people living on the stricken Gulf Coast, and BP said new efforts will more than triple the amount of oil it captures from a ruptured undersea well. But the …