Mississippi News

Auto Loan Delinquency Rate Up Nearly 9%

The percentage of auto loans past due 60 days or more rose 8.9 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008, compared with the prior-year period, according to credit reporting agency TransUnion. And the numbers point to auto delinquencies shooting to …

Mississippi Homeowners Urged to Buy Flood Insurance Now

Mississippi residents cannot afford to ignore the reality that 90 percent of all natural disasters in the nation involve flooding, according to Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney. Chaney said that Flood Safety Awareness Week (March 16-20) is a perfect time for …

The Paradox of Flood Insurance Coverage

Whether you are an attorney, an insurance agent, adjuster or broker, or an individual insured, when dealing with claims under flood insurance policies, you may be surprised to discover that many things you think you know are wrong, and, particularly …

Translators’ Liability Covered By Professional Program Insurance

Professional Program Insurance Brokerage of Novato, Calif., has a new program for translators and interpreters. Professional liability coverage is offered through an “A” rated carrier. Three levels of liability coverage include $250,000, $500,000 or $1 million, with aggregates up to …

Mississippi Officials Warn Against Buying Cottages in Auction

The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency is discouraging people from purchasing Mississippi Cottages for housing at an auction in Louisiana next month because the units were damaged by Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. MEMA Director Mike Womack wants to caution potential buyers …

Mississippi House Passes Ban on Teens Texting While Driving

A bill that has passed the Mississippi House would ban newly licensed teenage drivers from sending text messages from behind the wheel. House members pushing for the texting-while-driving prohibition said inexperienced drivers don’t have the judgment to maneuver in traffic …

Salmonella Recall Could Cost Peanut Producers $1 Billion

The effects of the widespread peanut butter recall could cost rural America’s peanut producers $1 billion in lost production and sales, according to testimony at a House subcommittee hearing. That could be just the beginning, the head of the Georgia …

Mississippi Considers ‘Fire-Safe’ Cigarettes Law

Mississippi might join three dozen other states in requiring that cigarettes extinguish themselves if left unattended. The so-called “fire-safe cigarettes” are made with two or three bands of less-porous paper. The Coalition for Fire Safe Cigarettes is a national group …

Wildfire Threat in Mississippi High

A Mississippi forestry official says property owners should be cautious when burning leaves or brush because conditions are ripe for wildfires. Jimmy Mordica, director of conservation education and public outreach for the Mississippi Forestry Commission, says March is traditionally the …

Readiness of Some Rebuilt Levees in Midwest Questioned

With the prospect of another season of spring flooding fast approaching, the Army Corps of Engineers insists the earthen flood levees outmatched by the Mississippi River last summer are rebuilt and ready. Not everyone’s so sure. It was nearly nine …