Mississippi News

As Insurance Rates Rise, Missisippians Urged to Take Mitigation Seriously

Mississippi Gulf Coast residents have been told mitigation is the answer to the region’s high insurance rates. “What do you do to lower rates? It is pretty simple. If you want to lower rates on the Gulf Coast, you build …

Allstate Agrees to Reduced Rate Hike, Policy Drops in Mississippi

Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney has agreed to let Allstate Property and Casualty Co. increase homeowner insurance rates 19.4 percent in the state. Chaney said that Allstate was threatening to drop 18,000 policyholders unless he allowed a rate hike of …

‘Katrina’ Federal Judge Senter of Mississippi Retiring

U.S. District Judge L.T. Senter Jr., who presided over hundreds of Hurricane Katrina insurance cases, is retiring Friday. The Sun Herald reported that Senter and his staff have spent the week packing up his offices on the fifth floor of …

Mississippi Governor Signs School Bus Safety Bill

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour has signed into law a school bus safety bill drafted in response to a Jones County child’s death. The bill, known as Nathan’s Law, would require motorists to stay at least 10 feet from a stopped …

Mississippi Gov. Barbour Vetoes Insurance Verification Bill, Seeks Fix

Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour has vetoed a bill to set up an electronic system to verify that drivers have auto insurance, a program intended to reduce the number of uninsured drivers on the state’s roads. In his veto message, Barbour …

Mississippi Toughens Parental Social Host Liquor Liability Law

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour has signed into law a bill that supporters say will make it easier to prosecute parents who host drinking parties for teenagers. The “social host” bill makes adults liable for knowingly allowing underage drinking on their …

Mississippi Senate Sends ATV Safety Bill to Governor

The Mississippi Senate has passed a bill requiring safety measures for young ATV riders, sending the bill to the governor for consideration. The bill would require riders and passengers under age 16 who ride on public land to wear a …

Mississippi Debates ATV Helmet Law for Kids

Mickey Hale, the manager of a store that sells all-terrain vehicles, says manufacturers encourage consumers to get training before taking ATVs for a spin. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with safety. Getting consumers to do it is another story,” …

Mississippi Senate Passes Auto Insurance Verification Bill

A bill designed to force compliance with Mississippi mandatory insurance laws passed this week in the Senate, and was among several proposals facing a legislative deadline. The bill would allow the state Department of Public Safety, the Department of Revenue …

Mississippi Passes Bill to Speed Workers’ Compensation Appeals

The Mississippi Senate has passed a bill making it easier to appeal a decision of the state Workers’ Compensation Commission. Currently, an appeal of a commission decision or award is appealed to circuit court and then, if necessary, to the …