Mississippi News

Louisiana Still Mopping up From Gustav as Ike Enters Gulf

Hurricane Ike entered the Gulf of Mexico on Sept. 9 and the latest path projected by the National Hurricane Center has the storm making landfall in Texas, possibly near Corpus Christi. Meanwhile, Louisiana is still mopping up from Hurricane Gustav, …

UPDATE: Ike ‘Growing in Size and Strength’ Says NHC

Although Hurricane Ike weakened considerably as it passed over Cuba, the most recent bulletin (11:00 a.m. EDT) from Miami’s National Hurricane Center warns that is now “growing in size and strength in the Southeastern Gulf of Mexico.” The storm’s center …

Simon Joins Specialty Risk Associates in Mississippi Office

Shreveport, La.-based wholesale insurance broker, Specialty Risk Associates Inc., added Cathy Simon to the staff of the firm’s Ridgeland, Miss., office. Simon, who specializes in Transportation underwriting, began her career in Jackson, Miss. She has 24 years of experience in …

Florida Closes Last Hurricane Gustav Shelter

The last American Red Cross shelter in Florida for Hurricane Gustav evacuees closed Sept. 6. As Hurricane Ike moves in from the west, Florida evacuees from Hurricane Gustav are finally able to return home. Craig Fugate, director of the Florida …

Insurers Estimate Gustav Claims as HIgh as $10 Billion

Residential and commercial damages from Hurricane Gustav will trigger an estimated $4 billion to $10 billion in insurance claims, a third of which could affect the energy industry. While Gustav’s force paled in comparison to Hurricane Katrina, which cost insurers …

Ohio Guard Sending 1,500 Troops to Gulf Coast

The Ohio National Guard is sending 1,500 troops to Louisiana to help with the cleanup following Hurricane Gustav. The Ohio group joins Missouri in providing guardsman the hurricane ravaged area. Guard spokesman James Sims says the deployment could begin this …

Wholesaler CRC Insurance Acquires Competitor Southern Risk of S.C.

CRC Insurance Services Inc., the wholesale insurance subsidiary of BB&T Corp., reports it has completed a purchase of Southern Risk Operations LLC. Sumter, S.C.-based Southern Risk is an excess and surplus (E&S) insurance broker that specializes in high-risk personal and …

Hurricane Gustav Surge Floods Mississippi Casino

The ground floor of the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino on Biloxi’s casino row was flooded during the storm surge from Gustav and wind-whipped water continued to splash into its parking garage on the afternoon of Sept. 1. Bobby Tuber, …

Gustav only Sideswipes New Orleans

New Orleans can get back to its comeback. Traumatized after losing their homes when Hurricane Katrina’s floodwaters broke through the levees that protect this city, Hurricane Gustav ended up a mere interruption in rebuilding. The fragile levees survived their first …

Gustav Insurance Losses Significant but ‘Manageable,’ Less than Katrina’s

Hurricane Gustav, which came ashore southwest of New Orleans on Monday morning, is expected to trigger significant insurance claims but far less than record-setting Katrina did three years ago. “This is a significant, catastrophic event, but insurers anticipate these, and …