Mitsubishi News

Japan Data-Tampering Scandals Show Dangers of ‘Sacrificing Quality’ to Save Costs

A string of data-tampering scandals at Japanese manufacturers has not tarnished Japan’s image, though it has been a powerful reminder to avoid sacrificing quality when under cost or delivery pressure, a senior economic official said on Wednesday [Dec. 27]. Since …

Japan’s Mitsubishi Materials Reveals More Products with Falsified Specifications

Japan’s Mitsubishi Materials Corp. said it has found more cases of products shipped with possible falsified specifications as it investigates a widening data-fabrication scandal that has affected more than 300 of its customers. The revelation is among the latest in …

First Driverless ‘Robo-Taxi’ Hits Singapore’s Streets in Limited Public Trial

The first driverless taxi began work on Thursday in a limited public trial on the streets of Singapore. Developer nuTonomy invited a select group of people to download their app and ride for free in its “robo-taxi” in a western …