Monday moment News

I’m Over Seeking Work/Life Balance

I’m over seeking work/life balance. Is that ok to tell you? Too late, I guess. Here’s the deal. When I was in college (in my late 20s), I had a professor who taught about work/life balance as this thing where …

It’s Not You. It’s Me.

I had a conversation the other day with a friend. He had apologized to someone at work about something that wasn’t really his fault. At least it wouldn’t look that way to most of us. He told me that someone …

That’s A Hard No

That’s a hard no. I like that phrase. Simple. Direct. Expresses exactly what I mean. Sometimes it’s just no. No negotiation. No compromise. Just no. Am I interested in someone buying my business? Especially since I don’t own it. Especially …

Yes and no

Yes and no. I’ve been saying yes to some new things lately. That means that I had to say no to some other things, which is ok. Every yes brings a no with it. That’s a good thing to remember …

What Kind of Work are We Doing?

A job is the work we do when we need to have work. Maybe there’s nothing else available. Maybe there’s nothing else that we’re qualified for. Often job describes that first position we held way back in the day. We …

One Simple Word

Help It’s a simple but profound word. It indicates that you recognize that there is something in your path that exceeds your skills, training, ability, or experience. It indicates that you trust someone to provide the skills, training, ability, or …