Montana News

Even Best Practices Agencies Struggle To Grow in Soft Market

Revenue Growth Proves Challenge; Hiring New Producers Remains Priority The Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America (the Big “I”) recently released its annual “Best Practices Study,” a study of the leading agencies and brokers in the country The independent …

Nebraska Insurance Agency Faces Probe for Alleged Ponzi Scheme

An alleged Ponzi scheme by a Grand Island insurance agency that recently filed bankruptcy listing more than $100 million in debt is being investigated. Attorney General Jon Bruning this week authorized the State Patrol’s investigation into First Americans Insurance Service …

Montana Lawmakers Want More State Fund Oversight

The Montana State Fund is bucking a proposal for more legislative oversight of its workers’ compensation insurance program. A state lawmaker says the state is on the hook for financial shortfalls at the quasi-private operation. Democratic Sen. Ron Erickson said …

Insurers Buck Against Fire-Safety Discounts in Montana

Spending to stomp out wildfires could be reduced by training and rewarding homeowners to practice fire-safety defense, Montana lawmakers said as they presented several bills intended to cut costs. The bills could force insurers to offer discounts to homeowners living …

Priests Accused of Sex Abuse in Alaska

The Jesuit order has been sued by 43 Alaska Natives who say they were sexually abused as children, and mounting evidence shows that known pedophile priests were sent to the Fairbanks, Alaska, Diocese for decades, a lawyer said. Jesuit institutions …

Nebraska Could Be Next State for Fire-Safe Cigarette Law

Nebraska has fallen out of the mainstream when it comes to smoking-related laws, but that could change. Thirty-seven states have passed laws requiring that all cigarettes sold in their states be fire-safe. Nebraska is not among them, but the state …

Montana Lawmakers Look at Limiting Recreational Liability

Montana’s recreation businesses said it needs better protection from lawsuits because of high insurance costs. The House Judiciary Committee is considering a bill that would limit the liability of the businesses, and shift it onto the shoulders of thrill-seekers involved …

Montana State Auditor Releases Office Staff Salaries

Montana State Auditor Monica Lindeen has released the salaries of her top staffers. Lindeen was recently sworn in as the state auditor. Her salary is $79,137. Deputy auditor Walter Schweitzer, who managed Lindeen’s campaign and is the brother of Gov. …

Texas, Oklahoma Among States Requiring Fire-Safe Cigarettes

Laws mandating stores only sell cigarettes that are slow-burning and fire-safe went into effect in five states on New Year’s Day, including Texas and Oklahoma. Those two states, plus Delaware, Iowa and Pennsylvania, joined 17 others in mandating the fire-safe …

States Rate Poorly on Consumer Insurance Information on Web

A national consumer group says state insurance departments vary in the quality of the information they provide consumers online, with differences in the usefulness of information such as the rates and practices of individual insurance companies. According to the Consumer …