Moody’s Investors Service News

Australia’s Bushfires Could Surpass 2009’s Costly Season; Analysts, Insurers Comment

Australia’s bushfire season has months to run and could easily surpass the most costly fire season, 2009’s Black Saturday fires in Victoria, which had a price tag of an estimated A$4.4 billion (US$3 billion), according to Moody’s Analytics, in a …

Reinsurers Maintain Upward Pricing Momentum-But Will It Last?

Positive pricing momentum—it’s the favorite phrase of many reinsurance executives, who are hoping that the momentum they’ve seen in 2019 will continue during the coming January renewals and beyond. The question is whether they will be disappointed, once again. Over …

Companies in Polluting Industries Slow to Disclose Climate Change Risks: Moody’s

U.S. and European companies in polluting industries rarely disclose the financial risks they face related to climate change even though a global task force called on them to do so two years ago, Moody’s Investors Service said in a report …

M&A Deals Likely to Become More Challenging as Sellers Seek High Deal Values

The current operating environment continues to prompt mergers & acquisitions (M&A) among insurers and reinsurers. However, the number of potential M&A candidates has declined and sellers’ expectations of high deal values could make future transactions more challenging, according to a …

Moody’s Projects Stable Outlook for Global Insurance Brokers

The 2018 outlook for insurance brokers is stable, reflecting good product demand, low capital requirements, significant variable costs, and healthy EBITDA margins and cash flows, which will continue to attract investors, including private equity firms, Moody’s Investors Service says in …

Island Nations, Such as Bahamas & Jamaica, at High Climate Change Risk: Moody’s

The Bahamas, Fiji, Jamaica and the Maldives have been identified as among the most vulnerable small island sovereigns in a report on the credit implications of climate change. The Solomon Islands and St. Vincent and the Grenadines are equally at …

City of Hartford’s Rating Sinks Deeper Into Junk; Agencies Cite Possible Default

Hartford, Connecticut’s cash-strapped capital city, suffered a fresh round of credit rating downgrades deeper into junk territory by two Wall Street credit agencies on Tuesday, a day after the city’s bond insurers said they were open to debt restructuring. The …

Mexico Calculates Economic Cost of Quake; Insurance Covers Small Part of Losses

Mexican government officials are still tallying up the economic losses of the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that caused widespread damage in the capital, but for the manager of a downtown restaurant it is already all too clear. Sitting in the entrance …

UK Faces ‘Substantial’ Risk of Failure of Brexit Talks, Moody’s Warns

The risk that the UK will tumble out of the European Union in two years without a Brexit deal is “substantial,” Moody’s Investors Service said. Such an outcome would affect everything from banks to buses and could result in a …

In America’s Richest State, the Capital Flirts with Bankruptcy

The hedge-fund enclave of Greenwich, on the Connecticut Gold Coast, is about 100 miles and a world away from the state capital. But the fiscal crisis in Hartford, the historic center of the American insurance industry, is fast becoming more …