motor vehicle safety regulation News

Biden Regulators Plan Safety Standards for Truck Brakes, Autonomous Vehicles

DETROIT (AP) — In a reversal from Trump administration policies, U.S. auto safety regulators say they will move to require or set standards for automatic emergency braking systems on new heavy trucks. The Department of Transportation, which includes the National …

U.S. Automated Vehicles Testing Program Expands to 52 Participants

The federal government’s program working with states and developers of automated vehicles has grown from a pilot operation to one with 52 participants. Participants in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s AV TEST program use an online tracking tool to …

Federal Auto Safety Agencies Face Scrutiny by Inspector General

The Transportation Department’s Office of Inspector General said on Tuesday it would audit oversight of U.S. vehicle safety standards, noting that more than 36,000 Americans were killed in traffic accidents in 2019. The inspector general’s office said it was launching …