MSOs News

Takeaways from Our Conversation on Captives for Cannabis

Want further proof the cannabis industry is no longer the “red-headed stepchild” it is too often viewed as? Just ask TJ Frost? Frost is president of Symphony Grow, which recently launched a captive program that Frost seed as evidence that …

Takeaways from Our Conversation on Selling Insurance to Cannabis Businesses in Newly Legal States

It’s a new year, and one thing we can look forward to is more new states bringing their cannabis markets online. For insurance professionals, new states offer the challenges of new regulations and new clients to explain the complex world …

Takeaways from Our Conversation with a Specialist Who Focuses on Baby (New) Cannabis Companies

In sales, you always hear about the big fish. For one, catering to new companies, or what some would call business babies or startups, takes a lot of work for less return. However, Danielle Hernandez has built her business on …