musculoskeletal disorders News

How Zoom and ‘Quarantine 15’ Created Perfect Storm for Soft Tissue Injuries: Viewpoint

In a normal year, work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), also known as soft tissue injuries, account for roughly 34% of lost work-days in the U.S. and one-third of the dollars spent on workers compensation claims. But this was anything but a …

Employers Taking Proactive Health Steps to Prevent Costly Employee Injuries

A job does not have to be physically demanding to literally be a pain in the neck, or knee, or lower back. Musculoskeletal conditions are among the top expenses for employee healthcare benefits, accounting for about a third of all …

Study: Conn. Occupational Illness Rates Higher Than U.S. Average

Occupational illness rates are higher for Connecticut workers than the national average, though the rate has declined, a study by a University of Connecticut health expert says. The overall illness rate in 2012 was 21.9 cases per 10,000 workers, a …