My Safe Florida Home program News

Florida Condo Mitigation Bill Passes but Other Insurance Bills Uncertain After Changes

A Florida pilot program to fortify coastal-area condominiums is on its way to the governor but other property insurance bills may have hit a snag after last-minute changes – with just two days left in the legislative session. The state …

Florida Bills on Litigation Financing, Wind-Mit Program Moving Along

Two pieces of legislation that could help reduce losses and litigation costs for insurance carriers are moving in the Florida Legislature: Litigation funding restrictions and changes to the state’s home-hardening program. By a vote of 15-5, the Senate Fiscal Policy …

Florida Bills Would Provide Millions in Flood Mitigation, Elevation Grants

Florida’s wind-mitigation grant program for homeowners has proven to be so popular that the governor has proposed another $107 million for it this year, and some experts have called home fortification the only way to significantly reduce insurance losses from …