NAIC cybersecurity News

5 Ways the Insurance Industry Can Improve Cybersecurity: Former U.S. Security Chief Clarke

“The insurance industry has a great record of solving problems where government regulation didn’t because the government either didn’t know how to regulate, or the government wouldn’t regulate,” Richard A. Clarke, former National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection and Counter-Terrorism …

New York Sees Its Cyber Rules for Insurers as Model for Other States

A group of U.S. state insurance regulators should use New York’s sweeping cyber security rules as a model for how insurers must protect their networks from hackers and when they must disclose cyber events, New York’s financial regulator said on …

State Regulators Form Cyber Issues Task Force

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) said it has formed a special task force to help states coordinate efforts related to cyber security and insurance industry data and coverages. NAIC said the task force will make coordinate NAIC efforts …