Nancy Pelosi News

Insurers in Crosshairs of U.S. Health Care Reformers

The debate over reforming the U.S. health care system has zeroed in on one main target: insurance companies. Democrats and the Obama administration plan to spend August battling to win popular support to expand health care coverage as the insurance …

U.S. Senate May Drop Public Health Care Option

Lawmakers on both sides of the Capitol struggled to reach a health care deal Tuesday, with Senate Democrats near agreement with three Republicans on a plan that would not include a government-run insurance option backed by President Barack Obama. After …

Report Claims Public Option Would Not Drive Out Private Health Insurers

Democrats in the House pounced on a congressional budget analysis to bolster their plan for a government-run health insurance option Monday, as party leaders said they were closer to agreement on healthcare reform. The report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget …

Congress Warned Reforms Could Hike Health Care Costs ‘Significantly’

Congressional Budget Office director Douglas Elmendorf told lawmakers Thursday legislation to expand health care coverage would increase federal healthcare costs “to a significant degree” and revenue will need to be found to keep from increasing the deficit. Asked by the …

U.S. House to Vote on Tax on AIG Bonuses

The House , reacting to public furor, will vote today on a bill to recoup most of the bonuses paid to AIG executives after the insurer got billions of dollars in government aid, Democratic leaders said Wednesday. The bill would …

U.S. to Claw Back AIG Bonuses, Congress Eyes Taxing Recipients

The Obama administration turned up the heat on AIG Tuesday over its employee bonuses, saying the embattled insurer will be forced to repay U.S. taxpayers before it gets another bailout of $30 billion. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner laid out the …

Insurance Dollars Influence Western Legislators

Congressional candidates from the Western states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming pulled in donations from a variety of insurance industry interests in 2008, according to the Center for Responsive …

Pressure Rising for Tighter Regulation of Insurance, Financial Services

With the passage of the $700 billion rescue package, the financial industry will face greater congressional scrutiny in coming weeks and months. Further-reaching regulation is almost certain. Previously obscure corners of the industry now subject to few rules, such as …

Pressure Rising for Tighter Regulation of Insurance, Financial Services

With the passage of the $700 billion rescue package, the financial industry will face greater congressional scrutiny in coming weeks and months. Further-reaching regulation is almost certain. Previously obscure corners of the industry now subject to few rules, such as …

Senate to Vote Tonight on Revised Wall Street Bailout with Tax Cuts

Leaders in the U.S. Congress have deployed their best weapon for winning passage of a $700 billion financial industry bailout just weeks before the elections, attaching tax cuts to an otherwise bitter pill. The Senate aims to vote at some …