Nancy Pelosi News

Goldman, Morgan Stanley Convert; AIG CEO Forfeits $22M Severance

Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley sought shelter with the Federal Reserve to survive a financial storm that destroyed their rivals as Wall Street braced for a week of political wrangling over a proposed $700 billion bailout for troubled banks. Morgan …

Iowa Governor Threatens Special Session Unless $85 Million Released

Iowa Gov. Chet Culver on on September 5 demanded that federal officials release $85 million in disaster assistance within the next 10 days, or he’ll summon the Legislature back into a special session to find money to help victims of …

Iowa Lawmakers Say More Disaster Funding Expected

Three members of Iowa’s congressional delegation say House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has assured them that Congress will provide more disaster-related funding. Reps. Leonard Boswell, Bruce Braley and Dave Loebsack, all Democrats, say Pelosi promised the funding would be approved before …

San Francisco Hosts 100th Earthquake Conference, Predicts What If Scenarios

More than 2,500 delegates from around the world gathered in commemoration of San Francisco’s 1906 earthquake at the 100th Anniversary Earthquake Conference — the largest earthquake conference ever held — in San Francisco this week. There, earthquake professionals and policymakers …

U.S. Senate Approves Legislation Targeting Consumer Product Safety

A bill to crack down on dangerous consumer products was approved by the U.S. Senate in early March after a year of recalls of millions of lead-tainted toys and other hazardous products, many made in China. The bill would beef …

Senate Confronts Product Safety

A bill to crack down on dangerous consumer products was approved by the U.S. Senate Thursday after a year of recalls of millions of lead-tainted toys and other hazardous products, many made in China. The bill would beef up the …

Consumer Product Safety Commission “Needs Help,” Critics Say

A Consumer Product Safety Commission Democrat urged Congress to provide more money for toy safety, pleading for patience to let the agency rebuild as the embattled chairwoman clings to her job. Last week, Nord faced criticism for opposing a measure …

Adding wind peril coverage is not the solution

The Flood Insurance Subcommittee of the American Academy of Actuaries has reviewed the provisions currently in H.R. 3121 that affect the financial well being of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). In particular, we have analyzed the sections of the …

Adding wind coverage to flood not the solution …

The Flood Insurance Subcommittee of the American Academy of Actuaries has reviewed the provisions currently in H.R. 3121 that affect the financial well being of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). In particular, we have analyzed the sections of the …

Adding wind peril coverage is not the solution

The Flood Insurance Subcommittee of the American Academy of Actuaries has reviewed the provisions currently in H.R. 3121 that affect the financial well being of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). In particular, we have analyzed the sections of the …