Boeing Accused in Lawsuit of Stealing Trade Secrets for NASA Rocket

Boeing was sued on Wednesday by a Colorado company that accused the aerospace giant of stealing trade secrets for NASA’s Space Launch System rocket, and then building components with “critical” safety flaws that could endanger astronauts. Wilson Aerospace said it …

Warming Trend Continues in 2022 and Expensive Weather Events Pack Punch

According to data presented during a joint NASA and NOAA webinar earlier this month, 2022 was among the warmest years recorded since the late 19th century โ€“ continuing a trend that has shown gradual global temperature warming in recent decades. …

NASA: U.S. Coastlines Could Experience a Foot of Sea Level Rise Within 30 Years

Sea levels along U.S. coastlines could rise as much as 12 inches above today’s waterline by 2050, according to NASA researchers. The results from the NASA Sea Level Change Team rely on measurements from a network of satellite altimeters along …

Bezos’ Blue Origin Suffers Rocket Failure During Uncrewed Mission

A rocket from Jeff Bezos’ space company Blue Origin failed mid-flight shortly after liftoff on Monday, aborting its cargo capsule to safety before crashing into the Texas desert, according to the company and a live video stream of the mission. …

NASA Concerned About SpaceX Satellite Deployment Plan

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) raised concerns about SpaceX’s plan to deploy about 30,000 satellites for its Starlink, as have some major companies. Elon Musk’s SpaceX previously received authorization for about 12,000 satellites to offer broadband internet and …

NASA: Earth’s Temperature in 2021 Was 1.5 Degrees F Above Baseline

Earth’s global average surface temperatures in 2021 were 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit (0.85 degrees Celsius) above the average for NASA’s baseline period, a new report shows. The average tied with 2018 as the sixth warmest on record, according to an analysis …

Protecting the Planet from Asteroids, Comets

The U.S. government is stepping up efforts to protect the planet from incoming asteroids that could wipe out entire regions or even continents. The National Science and Technology Council released a report last week calling for improved asteroid detection, tracking …

Professor Says Window to Prevent Dangerous Impacts from Climate Change Closing Fast

Costs from climate change-driven extreme weather events are on the rise, and the amount of time left to stop those impacts before they get progressively worse is rapidly closing, according to a Columbia University professor speaking on Tuesday during a …

Go Ahead and Start a Climate Change Debate at the Thanksgiving Table

When you pass the turkey gravy on Thursday consider stuffing a hunk of climate change discourse down your uncle Jeb’s gullet. Let him stew until he’s good and fermented, then agitate as needed to see the fruits of your labor. …

Trump’s Proposed Cuts to NASA and NOAA Could Impact Forecasting, Modeling

Funding cuts proposed in a White House budget that has been on the table for months spook some experts who are concerned that the ability to do everything from model changes in the climate to forecast the day-to-day weather could …