Oklahoma Firm Partnering with NOAA on Hurricane Forecasting, Damage Assessment

Cherokee Nation Technologies has entered a partnership to support hurricane forecasting and damage assessment. The collaborative effort between Cherokee Nation along with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA has been using an unmanned aircraft to fly above several …

Reinsurance Group Head Puts Science in Climate Change Discussion

Asked for his thoughts on climate change, Frank Nutter expeditiously turned to science. His sphere of influence is far-ranging as president of the Reinsurance Association of America, a position he’s held since 1991. Nutter has addressed the topic of climate …

What Do Thanksgiving and Climate Change Have in Common?

You have to be either strange or bored to Google the phrase, “What do climate change and Thanksgiving have in common?” So I did. Believe it or not I got results, and found that there are at least two things …

Hurricane Strikes Cape Verde in East Atlantic — First Time Since 1892

Something rare happened out in the Atlantic — a hurricane hit Cape Verde. The islands off the coast of Africa lend their name to some of the most powerful storms the Atlantic produces, yet they themselves rarely get hit. According …

Researchers Find Link Between Atlantic Hurricanes and Amazon Wildfires

Researchers have uncovered a “remarkably strong link” between high wildfire risk in the Amazon basin and the hurricanes that ravage North Atlantic shorelines. The wildfire-hurricane association is a result of ocean-atmosphere interactions, according to the researchers who say this north-south …

New U.S. Satellite Aims to Unlock Mysteries of Hurricanes

Hurricanes hold lots of secrets. Unlocking them can help forecasters predict the next steps the deadly storms will take. That, in turn, will help improve computer forecast models and give meteorologists a better understanding of each system. As the forecasting …

SpaceX Cargo Loss is Government’s, but Rocket Costs and Backlog Uncertain

SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket en route to the International Space Station erupted in flames on Sunday moments after its launch, delivering a potential business interruption blow to the so-far highly successful private space company. The craft was about 21 miles …

Drought Threatens To Dry Up California Farm Wells

Farmers in pockets of California hardest hit by the drought could begin to see their wells run dry a year from now if rain and snow remain scarce in the agriculturally rich state, according to a study released Tuesday. Richard …

Melting Antarctic Glacier to Raise Sea Levels: NASA

A rapidly melting glacial region of Antarctica has passed “the point of no return,” threatening to increase sea levels, according to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. “The collapse of this sector of West Antarctica appears to be unstoppable,” Eric …

Snowpack In California, Colorado Being Measured by NASA

The snowpack atop mountain peaks in California and Colorado has a new set of eyes watching from high above to better gauge the amount of water that will rumble down rivers and streams each spring as runoff. In a new …